This article about the four quadrants of missionary debriefing helps churches to define debriefing, determine its goal, and adjust how it can look in different circumstances. Check it out for a helpful overview of debriefing!
Continue ReadingThis article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]
Continue ReadingThis article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]
Continue ReadingThis article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]
Continue ReadingThis tool is an article emphasizing the importance of this sometimes over-looked and under-valued Great-commission role: A Friend. This article describes the special role of a Missionary’s Friend, and how it is distinct from others who care for and support a missionary.
Continue ReadingThis book has been written to help missionaries thrive when they return “home” from the mission field. Unsurprisingly, they need supportive community at home to come alongside them in this transition to return in a healthy way. This book will help you understand the needs of mission workers in transition and give you ideas of […]
Continue ReadingThis book has been written to help missionaries thrive when they return “home” from the mission field. Unsurprisingly, they need family and friends to come alongside them in this transition to return in a healthy way. This book will help you understand the needs of mission workers in transition and give you ideas of how […]
Continue ReadingIf you are preparing to help a worker transition to the mission field, this tool gives 5 tasks for missionaries to complete in their first 90 days on the field. These tasks are intended to help workers transition in a healthy and sustainable way. This document will help you and the transitioning missionary to approach […]
Continue ReadingDifferent stages and seasons come both with unique stresses for mission workers and opportunities to care for those who support them from home. This brainstorming template marks some of the main life stages and milestones a missionary will experience and invites you to preemptively plan how your church will respond to those various stages.
Continue ReadingIf you are new to your leadership role or would like to get to know your church’s missionaries in a more intentional way, this tool provides several suggestions of introductory questions to ask. These questions will give you a good awareness of the missionary’s life and ministry that you can build years of fruitful relationship […]
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