This is a guide to help a caring member of the home church support a short-term mission worker through hospitality and prayer. This includes resources and templates that will help you support and disciple someone who has returned from a short-term mission experience.
Continue ReadingThis book guides families through devotions that show God’s purposes in the world through scripture. This tool will help children and families to see God’s heart for the nations. Each family devotion includes background information about the Bible passage, a related family activity, discussion questions, and a prayer prompt. The book is available for purchase […]
Continue ReadingAs your church partners with various missionaries and other ministry partners, you will want to understand their priorities and vision. This tool gives you a list of helpful questions to better understand the work, strategy, ministry philosophy, and goals of these partners in the gospel.
Continue ReadingAs your church partners with various missionaries and other ministry organizations, you will want to understand their priorities and vision. This tool gives you a list of helpful questions to better understand the work, strategy, ministry philosophy, and goals of these partners in the gospel.
Continue ReadingPlanning a commissioning service for new missionaries about to leave home for the mission field is honouring to the missionary and encouraging to the church congregation. This guide to planning a commissioning service will help you plan a thoughtful service that uses the opportunity for the good of your church community.
Continue ReadingPlanning a commissioning service for new missionaries about to leave home for the mission field is honouring to the missionary and encouraging to the church congregation. This guide to planning a commissioning service will help you plan a thoughtful service that uses the opportunity for the good of your church community.
Continue ReadingThis guide will give you the foundations to start a healthy missions committee in your church. It guides you through defining missions, helps clarify the missions committee’s role and objectives, and discusses mission polices that you church should consider creating.
Continue ReadingThis worksheet helps your missions leadership team discern the most strategic way for your church to be involved in missions.
Continue ReadingIf you are a part of the pastoral leadership of your church and responsible for your church’s missions engagement, you may have ideas to implement and passion for global missions. You want to do your role in a way that is respectful and aligned with the leadership of your church. Use these questions as a […]
Continue ReadingThis tool is for those who are serving on a missions committee and have ideas and passion to engage the church in global mission. You want to do this in a way that is respectful and aligned with the leadership of your church. Use these questions as a starting point to clarify the priorities of […]
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