Overview of Missionary Debriefing

This article about the four quadrants of missionary debriefing helps churches to define debriefing, determine its goal, and adjust how it can look in different circumstances. Check it out for a helpful overview of debriefing!

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A Pocket Guide for Talking to Missionaries

This article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]

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A Pocket Guide for Talking to Missionaries

This article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]

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A Pocket Guide for Talking to Missionaries

This article is packed with suggestions of great questions to ask missionaries and which ones to avoid. The article is broken down into categories depending on your relationship with the missionary and the setting you find yourself in. You will read of questions to ask in a small talk, church foyer conversation, what to ask […]

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The Special Role of a Missionary’s Friend

This tool is an article emphasizing the importance of this sometimes over-looked and under-valued Great-commission role: A Friend. This article describes the special role of a Missionary’s Friend, and how it is distinct from others who care for and support a missionary.

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Pray for the Persecuted Church Calendar

The Prayer for the Persecuted Church Calendars help you guide your prayers for those who live in areas where their worship may need to be done in secret. If you have ever wanted a larger perspective on the global church, and how you can pray for persecuted Christians, this tool will help you to structure […]

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Prayer for the Persecuted Church Calendar

The Prayer for the Persecuted Church Calendars help you guide your prayers for those who live in areas where their worship may need to be done in secret. If you have ever wanted a larger perspective on the global church, and how you can pray for persecuted Christians, this tool will help you to structure […]

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Guide to Selecting a Missions Agency

This Tool helps guide churches through the process of selecting a missions agency to work with and provides a list of questions to ask when determining a great partnership.   Identifying the best agency to partner with in sending your global worker plays a huge role in their success. It can mean the difference between […]

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Guide to Selecting a Missions Agency

This Tool helps guide churches through the process of selecting a missions agency to work with and provides a list of questions to ask when determining a great partnership.   Identifying the best agency to partner with in sending your global worker plays a huge role in their success. It can mean the difference between […]

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Prayer Guide for Kids

This tool is a prayer book for the world made for children. Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere, through prayer from the frozen Arctic to the hottest desert, on the highest mountains and in crowded cities.

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