
Guide to Missionary Care at Every Stage

Different stages and seasons come both with unique stresses for mission workers and opportunities to care for those who support them from home. This brainstorming template marks some of the main life stages and milestones a missionary will experience and invites you to preemptively plan how your church will respond to those various stages.

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Guide to Starting Church Care Teams

If you are looking for ways for your church to be more connected to the lives, needs, and ministries of your mission workers, establishing care teams might be a great way to start. Care teams can represent your church to the missionary and the missionary to the church and is a model that works within […]

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Guide to Starting Church Care Teams

If you are looking for ways for your church to be more connected to the lives, needs, and ministries of your mission workers, establishing care teams might be a great way to start. Care teams can represent your church to the missionary and the missionary to the church and is a model that works within […]

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15 Questions to Ask a Returning Missionary

We all know that a great way to support and encourage someone is by truly listening to their thoughts, experiences, and feelings. Sometimes it can be challenging to know what questions are helpful to ask. Especially if someone is returning from a mission trip, whether it was a short term trip or they are back […]

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